Mission Success!

I grew up the son of an Airmen who served in the United States Air Force. I have heard the term mission a lot when in my younger years. Mission is an important word, a driving word, a word that brings along with it words like priority, purpose, success, failure, compromise. 

The mission is the one thing that unifies the team. The mission keeps everyone on track and together. The mission has objectives that keep the mission moving forward. The mission is the main idea!

As I read Gen. 24 this morning, I was struck at the number of times Abraham’s servant asked for success in his mission. 4 different times, he asked for God to bring about him a successful mission. 

We all have different missions in life. Then there are some missions that we all have, just uniquely fulfilling that mission in our own way and lifestyle. 

No matter what Mission God has given you, recall that it is God who brings success, not our own actions and motives. It is God that holds the ultimate plan of success. No matter what you are up against today, keep Mission Control out of your own hands and head. Keep Mission Control in the hands of a God who created you and loves you more than anyone can ever fathom!

By the way, Abraham’s servant was successful! I think you will be too!